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The GTP responsiveness of PI5P4Kβ evolved from a compromised trade-off between activity and specificity.

K. Takeuchi, Y. Ikeda, M. Senda, A. Harada, F. Okuwaki, K. Fukuzawa, S. Nakagawa, H.Y. Yu, L. Nagase, M. Imai, M. Sasaki, Y-H. Lo, D. Ito, N. Osaka, Y. Fujii, A.T. Sasaki, T. Senda.

Structure. 2022 Jun 2;30(6):886-899.e4.    doi: 10.1016/j.str.2022.04.004. 

PMID: 35504278

Divergent Mechanisms Activating RAS and Small GTPases Through Post-Translational Modification.

N. Osaka, Y. Hirota, D. Ito, Y. Ikeda, R. Kamata, Y. Fujii, V. R. Chirasani, S. L. Campbell, K. Takeuchi, T. Senda, & A. T. Sasaki. 

Front. Mol. Biosci. 2021, 8 (July), 1–12.   doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2021.707439.

PMID: 34307463.

Anti-Tumor Potential of IMP Dehydrogenase Inhibitors: A Century-Long Story.

R. Naffouje, P. Grover, H. Yu, A. Sendilnathan, K. Wolfe, N. Majd, E. P. Smith, K. Takeuchi, T. Senda, S. Kofuji, & A. T. Sasaki. 

Cancers (Basel). 2019, 11 (9), 1–30.   doi: 10.3390/cancers11091346.

PMID: 31514446.

IMP Dehydrogenase-2 Drives Aberrant Nucleolar Activity and Promotes Tumorigenesis in Glioblastoma.

S. Kofuji, A. Hirayama, A. O. Eberhardt, R. Kawaguchi, Y. Sugiura, O. Sampetrean, Y. Ikeda, M. Warren, N. Sakamoto, S. Kitahara, H. Yoshino, D. Yamashita, K. Sumita, K. Wolfe, L. Lange, S. Ikeda, H. Shimada, N. Minami, A. Malhotra, S. Morioka, Y. Ban, M. Asano, V. L. Flanary, A. Ramkissoon, L. M. L. Chow, J. Kiyokawa, T. Mashimo, G. Lucey, S. Mareninov, T. Ozawa, N. Onishi, K. Okumura, J. Terakawa, T. Daikoku, T. Wise-Draper, N. Majd, K. Kofuji, M. Sasaki, M. Mori, Y. Kanemura, E. P. Smith, D. Anastasiou, H. Wakimoto, E. C. Holland, W. H. Yong, C. Horbinski, I. Nakano, R. J. DeBerardinis, R. M. Bachoo, P. S. Mischel, W. Yasui, M. Suematsu, H. Saya, T. Soga, I. Grummt, H. Bierhoff, & A. T. Sasaki.

Nat. Cell Biol. 2019, 21 (8), 1003–1014.   doi: 10.1038/s41556-019-0363-9.

PMID: 31371825.

Structural Reverse Genetics Study of the PI5P4Kβ–Nucleotide Complexes Reveals the Presence of the GTP Bioenergetic System in Mammalian Cells.

K. Takeuchi, M. Senda, Y. H. Lo, S. Kofuji, Y. Ikeda, A. T. Sasaki, & T. Senda.

FEBS J. 2016, 283 (5), 3556–3562.   doi: 10.1111/febs.13739.

PMID: 27090388.

The Lipid Kinase PI5P4Kβ Is an Intracellular GTP Sensor for Metabolism and Tumorigenesis.

K. Sumita, Y. H. Lo, K. Takeuchi, M. Senda, S. Kofuji, Y. Ikeda, J. Terakawa, M. Sasaki, H. Yoshino, N. Majd, Y. Zheng, E. R. Kahoud, T. Yokota, B. M. Emerling, J. M. Asara, T. Ishida, J. W. Locasale, T. Daikoku, D. Anastasiou, T. Senda, & A. T. Sasaki.

Mol. Cell 2016, 61 (2), 187–198.   doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2015.12.011.

PMID: 26774281.

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